At Circles, and the Circles Marketplaceplace respectively, we care about your privacy. That’s why we’d like to inform you that our marketplace uses an open-source analytics tool that protects your data - it’s called Matomo. We do not evaluate your individual data profile nor do we want to advertise certain products or services based on your online behaviour. What we would like to do is fostering simple overall statistics e.g. about user counts, location and language. We also want to check on an anonymous base how marketplace users found our website and how they navigate through the offers at the marketplace. All measures utilize pseudonymized user data and are only maintained in order to become able to improve the general marketplace experience.

By opting in, you agree to allow this website to analyse non-individualized data of the actions you take.

Imprint and Contact

Upon request we are communicated directly.

Terms and Conditions

You can remember we have all found love in the centre of the one heart as a magnificence of art by which together to paint any picture and adventure together through the end from the start as it is so forever by the praise be grace unto untold mystery. The rest is not any known mystery. 

Cancellation Policy

Certainly in essence what ever choice to you and all may bring the most absolute blessings - principally speaking there are many avenues for discretionary reversal of proceeded dealings. Communication in simple sympathy to contact with integral honesty unto our agreed on terms of the meant and preferred destiny.   May it so be.