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Ritual Design


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Sibone Sibofone: "Ritual is to the soul, what food and water is to the body"

I offer designing and holding rituals for individuals, organisations and social movements. 


For thousands of years, indigenous peoples of most cultures around the world have provided meaningful ways of marking transitions,  the passage from one life stage to another through ritual. 

In times when our contemporary Western culture suffers from a meaning crisis, remembering and reappropriating these rites has great potential to reclaim meaning and mark our deepest transitions and roles as humans on earth.

It enables us to reflect where we are in our lives, who we are, who we want to become and more broadly connect to the sacredness of being a human and a member of this wider Earth community.

Coming of age, pregnancy and childbirth, marriage, loss, changes in job or location, significant illness, dying and death –  are all natural times for rituals and ceremonies. So what these ceremonies allow us to do is to reinforces the importance of these “crossings” in our lives, while supporting us to mark endings, celebrate realizations and new beginnings. 

I can offer a ritual design session in which I first listen, hear what you would like to mark or honour, why it is important to you, what elements you'd like to be included and then design the ritual with you/ for you. Common elements that are included are song, poetry, making vows or commitments, using objects as symbols. I can also guide you through the ritual if desired. 


I am community weaver, facilitator and life-long learner who has always been curious about how humans can be in healthy relationships with each other and the earth.  Drawing on my anthropological studies, my work in leadership education and my passion for deep ecology, I have developed a varied toolbox for nourishing cultures of togetherness and interbeing. I host a mix of learning journeys, community rituals and nature connection workshops. Together with the Wild Minds Collective, I also offer vision quests and longer nature immersions.