Water Kefir Crystals
- Selbstabholung
please contact Alexis at services@ediblealchemy.co to pick up your purchase at Moosdorfstraße 7-9 at our laboratory
More details
You will receive: 50 grams of healthy and fresh water kefir (tibicos) crystals Instruction sheet and information about water kefir: how-to, what not-to-do, how to flavor and continue DESCRIPTION Water kefir is a light, naturally fermented, effervescent probiotic beverage with a diverse range of flavors. Depending on how you prepare it with various sources of sugars, fruits and syrups, your water kefir can be sweet or sour with light or strong sparkle of bubbles – Natural carbonation! It can even become a little bit alcoholic which may be of interest to some (around 0.5% alc. or more depending on how long you ferment it and in which conditions). Water kefir is made by mixing water kefir crystals or “grains” with water and sugar, and allowing time to ferment. These grains are actually Symbiotic Colonies Of Bacteria & Yeast (aka, SCOBYs), and come in the form of beautiful, translucent-jelly-crystals. In the right environmental conditions they can more than double in quantity every day!