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Course in Mind Genomics


Anzahl: 4 (verfügbar)


  • Selbstabholung

Für den Kauf erst einloggen

More details

Mind Genomics, created by world famous researcher Dr. Howard Moskowitz, is a scientific research methodology that incorporates concepts of conjoint analysis and experimental design.  Using Mind Genomics, we run in-vivo social experiments and obtain valuable insights into how people think and differ.  It takes no more than a couple of hours, from commencing the study to getting data back.   Course Description: This course provides an introduction to Mind Genomics, its core principles, and practical applications. Participants will learn the fundamentals of Mind Genomics, including its methodology, research, and results. Through discussion, activities, and practical examples, participants will gain comprehensive understanding of how to use Mind Genomics to better understand people, their thoughts, and differences.   You will learn to understand how people think about certain topics and how they differ.  You will discover what words and concepts drive and what inhibit actions.  The program includes six workshops in which you will learn how to properly structure a research and draw conclusions from the results.  Over the course you will do four practice studies with 10 respondents each.  We work in groups of four. Price is per student.  For extended bootcamp discount of 30% applies. Contact me for details.   Check this video: