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Graphic Design Service


Anzahl: ∞ (verfügbar)


  • Selbstabholung
  • Kombiversand

Print product deliveries upon request. Digital media send via encrypted transfer.

Für den Kauf erst einloggen

More details

Please reach out to me via email before purchasing on the marketplace. The selling price is my hourly rate.


My service:
I offer all kinds of graphic designs like:
- print media: from design to production including printing support, i.e. business cards, flyer, wallpaper, etc.
- digital media: from design ready to upload, i.e. social media posts, photo retouching, image collage, etc.
- brand development: from brainstorming to communication strategy, i.e. logo creation, corporate identity, brand communication and content plan, etc.


- Contact me via email:
- You'll get an offer from me about the estimated time effort and costs
- If you agree, I'll deliver until the mutual agreed deadlines
- Last minute support is possible but mandatory


About me:
I see myself as a sustainable communication designer and storyteller with specialization as videographer and motion designer.

For more than seven years I live and work with the obligation to prevent waste, produce resource-friendly/climate neutral and support sustainable solutions. That means precisely collaborating with responsible printing companies, encouraging the use of recyclable/reusable materials, traveling CO2 neutral to clients and using electricity from renewable energy sources.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

My portfolio: